Easily convert the video files into the text format with the help of youtube by uploading the video files and getting the transcribe text output with the help of simple guide discuss in this article.
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]sn’t its amazing to have written form of a speech of video. Suppose if someone has problem in hearing, it will be difficult for him to understand what is spoken. So by having this kind of facility, someone become eligible to grab the compulsory things for him/her. We can also keep a track record in written form and sometimes it is beneficial to have something in written. So,what should be the best way to proceed this video to text conversion.You may find various paid transcription services where you can hire people by searching in google and they will easily convert the video content of digital file into text.
However YouTube provides inexpensive and automated option for this transcription service. When we upload a video file on YouTube it will automatically generate subtitles for that particular video. Let me know you that google uses speech recognition to transform the speech portion of video into “Closed Caption(CC)” which displays on video player when you hit CC button.
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How to Transcribe Video Files To Text With Youtube
There is one drawback that if video has not good quality and there is not too many people speaking in that video, then it not be surety that accurate transcription we will get, Although YouTube will automatically make a text transcript but as said earlier it might be not accurate as human transcription.
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Steps to Transcribe Video Files To Text With Youtube:
It will be pleasure to provide you guidance in transcribing audio or video files to text with the help of YouTube. You should follow the steps given below.
- Upload a video file on youtube.com. You can use audio file by converting it to video file with the help of Window Movie Maker, iMovie on Mac or FFMpeg and then upload it to YouTube.
2. Now Wait until YouTube to completely process the video.
3. The transcription may immediately become available after uploading the video.
4. Open the YouTube page in your chrome browser and look for the CC button in the player. if it exists then transcribe file will be automatically downloaded as text.
5. Now press F12 on Windows or Option+Cmd+J on Mac, and this will let you open the JavaScript console inside Chrome Developer tools and paste this code:
if(yt.config_TTS_URL.length) window.location.href=yt.config_TTS_URL+”&kind=asr&fmt=srv1&lang=en”
6. It will let you open the transcribed text of the uploaded video in the current browser .So now you have to save the file with extension .html and doube click to view the transcription in plain text.
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So this is all about How to Transcribe Video Files To Text With Youtube. Use this cool guide and you can easily convert the video files to text to represent them. So try this out today, Hope you like the guide keep on sharing, Leave a comment below if you have any related queries with this.